Our Homes will be hosting Open Days on Sat 21st Jan – please click to find out more and book your appointment.

See our latest Covid-19 policy update on visitation

Feedback policy

We aim to provide a happy, safe and caring home for all residents and we welcome feedback in order to improve the care and service we provide. All negative feedback will be taken seriously and we will deal with them promptly.

Feedback process

  1. In the first instance you should raise your complaint with the Home Manager or the person in charge who will investigate and try to resolve the issue. You can also fill out a Feedback Form, these are available in the home. Alternatively or you can email us on feedback@tlccare.co.uk or use the contact us form on this site to provide feedback.
  2. If you have a concern regarding possible abuse, we will refer it to the local Safeguarding team immediately or you may wish to contact them directly
  3. If we cannot find an immediate resolution we will write to you to acknowledge your complaint as soon as possible, usually within three working days of receipt, and to outline our next steps.
    1. The issue will then continue to be investigated by the Home Manager and a response sent to you within 21 working days of the acknowledgement letter being sent.
    2. If the investigation is delayed or takes longer than expected we will keep you updated and let you know when you can expect an outcome.
  4. If you are content with the outcome the complaint will be closed after a further 28 days
  5. If you are not content with the outcome, the matter should then be escalated to the Operations Manager for further review.
    1. The issue will then be investigated by the Operations Director and a response sent to you within 21 working days of the acknowledgement letter being sent.
    2. If the investigation is delayed or takes longer than expected we will keep you updated and let you know when you can expect an outcome.
  6. If you remain dissatisfied, you may refer your case to the Chief Operating Officer of TLC.
    1. The issue will then be investigated by the Chief Operating Officer and a response sent to you within 21 working days of the acknowledgement letter being sent.
    2. If the investigation is delayed or takes longer than expected we will keep you updated and let you know when you can expect an outcome.
  7. Should this not suffice, the Local Government Ombudsman should be contacted who may carry out their own investigations

Contact details

  • TLC Care Head Office,Operations Manager or Chief Operating Officer, TLC Care, 36 Railway Approach, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 5AA or email: feedback@tlccare.co.uk
  • Local Safeguarding team – please see information displayed in the home
  • The Local Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0HE, telephone: 0300 061 0614 or 0845 602 1983 or email: advice@lgo.org.uk

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