On Saturday 24th August, Camberley Manor care home hosted a party for residents, relatives and the local neighbourhood joined by Surrey Heath Mayor, Cllr. Sarbie King.

The afternoon included a magic show by Lee Florida, face painting, live music from local talent Natasha, and classic cars on display provided by members of Fleet Classic Car Club.

The tombola proved popular, which received gifted prizes from many local businesses and friends of the home, and raised over £360 which will be donated to Parkinson’s UK.

A relative of one of the care home’s residents, Mary Woods, shared “the weather was unkind, but it definitely didn’t dampen our spirits or the atmosphere. Everyone came together to enjoy the entertainment and we have thoroughly enjoyed it.”

A visitor from the community was particularly taken with a stall manned by a Camberley Manor resident selling his very own homemade wooden crafts. He told us “It is very empowering to see a resident still doing what he loves the most, and interacting with people of all ages to showcase his skills.”

For more information on the home, please visit the care home page here, or our Facebook page to see future events.

Original article posted on Surrey World. Read here.